Friday, June 25, 2010


Greetings brethren...
I was just wondering, what it might be that you, my sophisticated yet oh so humble readers, want from me. Is it more fashion posts? Humorous posts? Posts about the political situation in Nepal? Whatever it is, just comment saying that you want me to write about it, mothers. Not many of the people who read my blog have the ability to comment/follow me, so this should be easy. Feel free to do so, that is, if you can (refurring to the people who follow me and DONT have a blogspot account).

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Being Bad

My romantic interest at the time being, requires me to be...A rebel. I won't go into much detail about him or his taste for bad girls. But I will say this: to overcome my inabitions that compell me to be law abiding, respectful to elders, and excessively nice, I need be getting myself bad ass. Here is my encounters with the criminal arts, in a desperate attempt to be villianous for my love. In the photo of me above, I am in the middle of comitting, dare I say, scandle. Thats right, litering. At 3:00 AM I took a matress to the park and then left it there. Whats that you say? Littering isn't a big deal? Well I'd like to see you say that to Moby, the baby whale, WHO IS DYING BECAUSE OF YOUR FILTH DUMPED IN THE OCEAN. But I digress. Littering a matress just so happens to bea huge deal thank you. The fine? $1000 dollars. Jail time? A year. Oh yeah. YOU wouldn't go there now that you know the facts, would you? If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can muddy my virtuous exterior through acts of evil, suggest away.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hey guy, comment on my blog.

So it has become appearant that a LOT of people read my blog. This whole time I thought there was no need to frequently post anything, as a result of veiwer lackage. As it turns out, people do read it, but never tell me. So QUICK: if you're reading this, comment. Comment on everything. You have to believe, or tink will die.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If I were to die...

Could you guys make sure that this is the picture hanging over my coffin at the funeral service? Things I would also like:
1. This Casket: (Yeah. Thats a coffin)
2. For mechanics to take out my insides and replace it with a robotic technology, so that they can press a button, and I'll spring up saying "BAAAAAA" That effect will be heavily incorperated in the funeral.
3. A eulogy from Alan Rickman...He has the right voice for it.
4. I just want meatloaf to be there.
5. Anyone whos not wearing black will be thrown into the pool. And I mean all black. RESPECT ME.
6. Balloons.
Why am I making a list for what I want my funeral to be like? Finals. Finals will kill me.