Sunday, June 20, 2010

Being Bad

My romantic interest at the time being, requires me to be...A rebel. I won't go into much detail about him or his taste for bad girls. But I will say this: to overcome my inabitions that compell me to be law abiding, respectful to elders, and excessively nice, I need be getting myself bad ass. Here is my encounters with the criminal arts, in a desperate attempt to be villianous for my love. In the photo of me above, I am in the middle of comitting, dare I say, scandle. Thats right, litering. At 3:00 AM I took a matress to the park and then left it there. Whats that you say? Littering isn't a big deal? Well I'd like to see you say that to Moby, the baby whale, WHO IS DYING BECAUSE OF YOUR FILTH DUMPED IN THE OCEAN. But I digress. Littering a matress just so happens to bea huge deal thank you. The fine? $1000 dollars. Jail time? A year. Oh yeah. YOU wouldn't go there now that you know the facts, would you? If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can muddy my virtuous exterior through acts of evil, suggest away.